Adam and Kelly met at an organic farming conference in 2009.

In 2010 the farm's first CSA season started with 4 families.

We are enjoying the opportunity to raise our son on the farm while we navigate what it means to return to the land for a living. We’ll write more about ourselves soon.

The farm is an amazing piece of central New York.  It is primarily a side-hill and hill-top farm meaning very little of the farm is truly till-able.  Should we plow down the grassy fields to grow row crops, our top soil would quickly end up our many streams and creeks.

That is why we are a pasture-based, grazing farm.  It's better for this land to graze livestock on grass than to till for annual row crops. In this way we choose to work with nature on this piece of earth we tend. We also capture a lot of carbon with all that growing grass!

The farm has a variety of woodland, grassland, and wetland habitats and is home to a large variety of wildlife.  Bobolinks and turkeys nest in the hay fields, foxes have kits on a hillside (they have never harmed a single chicken), and salamanders, frogs, and newts live out their amphibious little lives in the ponds, streams, and woods.


We became Certified Organic in 2014. We feel it is an added assurance to our customers that we are farming in a way that keeps with the rhythms and rules of nature.

Plus, we believe the organic movement is best represented by small farms with integrity. The more us "little guys" participate the less corporate agriculture can run away with what it means to be organic.

We are Certified Organic by NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC. Our beef cattle and sheep are also Certified Grass Fed by NOFA-NY, a further assurance to you that our ruminants (cattle and sheep) are raised on 100% grass and hay-exactly what those animals are designed to eat by nature.