Buckling Up to Buckle Down

"The only way out is through... the only way out is through...."

That has been our mantra of choice for difficult farm seasons. We don't have any other words of wisdom or intense optimism to offer right now.  All we know is that as farmers, we know what it's like to deal with the unknown and we know what a blessing it is to find connection and comfort in community when things get tough. As such we wanted to let you know we're so grateful for the support shown to local farms in the past few weeks.

We can be here for you because you have been here for us.
Truly. Thank you.

Strangely, so much about farm life remains the same. The animals neither know nor care that the human world has been turned upside down. They move about their days with the same nonchalance that is always that of contented creatures. We think there is a lesson there if we look for it - to maybe channel our inner cow or chicken as best we can and just be in the moment. We are every day grateful to be in their presence because they remind us to focus on the essential things.

So that is what we've been doing. We care for the things within our control and hope like hell for the rest. We are growing a lot of produce again this year so there are seeds to plant. Soon there will be sheep to shear and calves to gentle. The hens give eggs daily and the grass is slowly growing green. One day, one task at a time - we keep moving forward.

Your recent support has allowed us to buy seed, feed, deer fence, and a load of extra hay. We just sent another load of beef to the processor and it should be ready within 10 days. We are doing everything we can to hang on through this, so we can be here afterward and feed you through it all.

We still aren't certain when farmers markets will resume but in the meantime we have developed a no-contact delivery and pick-up schedule that has been working well. We still have lots of good food available and lots more on the way. If you need anything the schedule is as follows:

Pick-Up at New Hartford Shopping Center parking lot at 2pm sharp
** Please also shop with our partner farms for this pick-up. We have teamed up with Plumb Rocky Farm and Slate Creek Farm so you can also get their products at this pick-up. Please click on "Partner Vendors" under the New Hartford Pick Up Site Delivery Location information.
Home Delivery available to Clinton, New Hartford, Utica, Waterville Area 

Pick-Up at Parry's Hardware Parking Lot in Hamilton at 2pm sharp
or Home Delivery available to Hamilton Area

Pick-Up at American Homesteader Parking Lot in Norwich at Noon

No contact ON-FARM PICK UP available any time:
Just contact us to place your order and we'll set up a time

You can place your order in the online store or send an email with any questions/requests.

Now is also a great time to sign up for a whole-farm CSA share as we can invest the funds directly back into the farm operation and therefore CSA gets first dibs on the food we produce. More info available below. :)

And lastly, please reach out to us if you or anyone you know is out of work or otherwise in need of good food but short on funds. We're happy to barter, accept volunteers (once the quarantine order is lifted), or otherwise meet people where they are, as much as we are able. Please talk to us if we can help.

**A word about our precautions: We've always been fussy about being clean but we're going extra right now: All orders are individually packed with freshly washed hands and we are the only people with access to our freezers. We do not leave the farm aside from no-contact deliveries. As of 4/2/20 we will be wearing clean, homemade masks to pack and deliver all orders. Please DO NOT return used egg cartons to us at this time. We can accept them again when things are less wonky... :)

We also want to share these words: As many of you know, Wendell Berry is another one of our heroes. His poems have often offered solace for our worried hearts. These particular lines seem so fitting for the times...

"Calling his neighbors together into the sanctity
Of their lives separate and together,
In the one life of the commonwealth and home,
In their own nation small enough for a story

Or song to travel across in an hour, he cries:
Come all ye conservatives and liberals
Who want to conserve the good things and be free,

Come away from the merchants of big answers,
Whose hands are metalled with power;
From the union of anywhere and everywhere;
By the purchase of everything from everybody at the lowest price
And the sale of anything to anybody at the highest price;
From the union of work and debt, work and despair;
From the wage-slavery of the helplessly well-employed.

From the union of self-gratification and self-annihilation,
Secede into the care for one another
And for the good gifts of Heaven and Earth."


(excerpt from The Mad Farmer, Flying the Flag of Rough Branch, Secedes from the Union
from The Mad Farmer Poems by Wendell Berry)

Be well, everyone! We'll get through this together and we're here if you need us.
Kelly, Adam, Silas and ALL the creatures of Quarry Brook